
Gazco Ltd was formed in 1988 to develop and produce gas fired versions of Stovax wood  burning stoves. Today, as sister companies, Stovax and Gazco continue to work very closely together. Each company has constantly developed its product range such that the combined businesses have grown to become one of Europe’s leading manufacturers of stoves, fireplaces and fires, with exports to countries worldwide. Visit Gazco

Summer 2023

Package DealsArada Charnwood Capital


Keep your Stove Safe & Efficient Service in the Spring or Summer


Electric fires or stoves Ambience with or without heat


Offer Stoves Offer Stoves


Cold Chimney Syndromecauses smoke in the room


Keep warmfeed the fire


Product Specification

Fuel Type: Gas

Gazco Logic Inset Fires – Gas

There are three models that make up the ‘family’ of Gazco Logic Fires: the Logic Hotbox, Logic Convector and the Logic HE Convector and all are available with a large selection of frames and fronts.

Logic Hotbox: is an open fronted fire that provides a warm focal point. Cool air is draw into the bottom of the fire from the room, it then flows over the glow generated by the moulded coals before emitting radiant heat into the room and generating an ambience of a real fire. This fire is available in natural gas or LPG and with either manual, slide or remote controls.  It is up to 60% Efficient with a heat out put of 4kW.  Energy Rating:

Logic Convector: provides extra heat and efficiency in comparison to the Hotbox. As with the Hotbox cool air is drawn from the room into the bottom of the convection chamber and is heated as it flows over the moulded coals. The hot air then returns to the room via the convection slot at the top of the fire. It gives added efficiency and heat compared to the Logic Hotbox due to a convection system being incorporated into this open fire. This fire is available in natural gas or LPG and with either manual, slide or remote controls. It has a High Efficiency of up to 68.5% and a heat out put of 4.6kW.  Energy Rating: F 

Logic HE Convector:  is the only Logic Fire that is available as a balanced flue, which, subject to certain stipulations, can make it suitable for a home with out a chimney! It draws cool air into the convection chamber from the bottom of the fire, which is then heated as it passes over the hot surface of . The room is then heated by the heated through the convection vent at the top of the fire and by radiating through the glass front. base the glass front and boasts the highest efficiency of all the Logic Fires at up to 89%.  This model is available in natural gas or LPG, a choice of either coal, white stone or log fuel effects and either manual, slide or remote controls. It has a High Efficiency of up to 89% and a conventional flue heat out put of 4.5kW   and a balance flue output of 3.4kW.  Energy Rating B

Frames and frets are costed separately.

*Not suitable for primarily heating purposes



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